Please read the following carefully before viewing any galleries below.
Reproduction of any kind without purchase (screenshots, cropping, filters, etc.) of any proofs will be considered theft.
Your support of Equine Show Photographers is greatly appreciated!
Click on the show name and date you wish to view proofs for. All images will be low and high resolution photographs available for purchase as social media use digitals and/or individual prints. Proofs at the following links ARE unedited and subject to color correction, cropping, and cleaning up once purchased.
Please allow at least 48 hours for digital images to be delivered with editing.
All digitals purchased will be delivered with a small Clabough's Entertainment & Photography watermark logo.
If you or your sponsor would like to purchase the image for commercial use please contact me.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions!
How Do We Order & Pay?
Digital Delivery
Digital download products are fulfilled within 7 days of ordering, that way you get the images you want with editing. You will only see a proof when you view images in the Gallery.
How does digital delivery work?
- First, you scroll through the gallery, find the image or images, and then you will place an order for digital download products.
- Then, once the order has been paid for and processed, we send a download link to via email for the files you have purchased, in the resolution you have selected.
Orders will show up my end with the image(s) you purchased. I will then edit those images (color correct, take out manure, tighten the image up, straighten the image, crop the image if need be, etc.) and "replace" the image through the order portal on my end. Once completed you will receive an email with your digital images. The link last only 7 days, if you do not download those images within 7 days, I can resend the link.
How does paying work?
- Once you have added your images to your cart, you will check out.
- You will then use the checkout provided by Pixiset, STRIPE, to pay.
- This will ask you to use your credit card.